Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Remember The People Following You!

Hello, DeWayne here and I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge the fact that BetterNetworking is indeed a marvelous tool to expose and elevate your business. But people, let's keep it real! There are so many of you on this site whose sole intended purpose is to cheapen it... er allow me to re-phrase that. Their sole-intended purpose is to get rich, but consider this, there are many people with the same agenda who don't feel as though they have to cheapen it by bombarding the community with sales pitches. Listen to me very closely: No one wants to be sold anything! Got it?! I realize that times may be hard and some of you feel as though desperate times call for desperate measures, but when you do this you cheapen the hard work that others have done to get to where they are, including the founders of this wonderful site!

There was a special on Foxnews and MSNBC, on how there were people on facebook who were breaking their codes to gain valuable profile information for the sole intended purpose of running scams.


As if it wasn't difficult enough to sift our way through streams of competitors trying to do the same thing, it is totally irreprehensible to think that the few bad apples(who by the way I'm quite sure is no one in this community)could really mess things up for everybody! And this is what I mean by messing it up for everybody...

You know the good people at facebook are going to eventually make it tougher for us network marketers to advertise and are probably going to make tougher provisions.

That's where I believe that we will clearly have an advantage. You see the whole concept of selling something is dead, because people hate to be sold. Facebook is considered to be a social media network, so that should play to our strengths. When people get to know me, there are no concerns of whether or not I'm going to get any leads. In fact I don't worry about that stuff because they will come. Iron polishes iron and together with forums such as these that raises awareness, we have an opportunity to continue to grow while our competition is in front of their computer monitor lemonade stands.

Tell me what you think! :roll: ;)

Monday, February 9, 2009

The state of our economy!

I am listening to President Barack Obama, and whether you are a conservative or a liberal, one thing is definitely for certain.... We as a country are in a great deal of trouble. Right now I am probably going to lose a few subscribers for what I'm about to say... People in this country are spoiled. You see, I didn't grow up as many of y'all. If I woke up early enough in the morning, I got to see my mama go to work. And If I stayed up late enough at night, I got to see her come home because I grew up like many Americans with no male presence in the household! Now strictly speaking as one who has dutifully served his country (I'm a disabled veteran of the Persian Gulf War- throwned from a Hum-vee in Saudi Arabia in 1991), I can certainly ascertain the fact that the onus is on all of us to be accountable for our own actions. The fact that the housing market (and I'm just naming one aspect of the collateral damage due to the decisions that we as Americans are resposible for!) is an example of what went wrong with our economy should stipulate the importance of sound fundamental decisions. As the President has so dutifully mentioned in his address to the country, it is the decisions of many Americans to live beyond their means that has degredated our way of life (actually he didn't say that, that was just something I added). And that's just one example as to why we're in dire straits. Seven million Americans have lost their jobs and their homes and they're looking for a way to escape the fiscal turmoil. Ladies and gentlemen, I want for you to ask yourselves, are you in the right industry? Network Marketing is now more prevalent than ever and we are on the forefront of not only cutting-edge technology, but we have an opportunity to re-shapen our economy, not only as a nation but globally! You see, more and more Americans are now going to be forced to prescribe to the idea of Network Marketing because they realize that being dependent upon a flawed system that told you that all you have to do is follow in your daddy's footsteps and work at the mill and earn a decent living following in his footsteps will be enough for you to sustain the needs of your family! I'm asking each and everyone of you to not contaminate the ideas that has already been set in place. Now is our time! Not only do we have the advantage of people such as Mike Dillard and Rod Nichols, but if we play it the right way we can use our present circumstances to elevate our cause! Our cause is just. We offer an opportunity to the average American to join our fight and help those that are willing to help others! That does NOT entail bombarding everyone we may encounter with our business proposals! Don't do it! Your country is counting on you! If we are to help our country, we should then establish a new job market and take it global! Our primary objective should be to strengthen the global economy with the opportunity we present. Social media and every other media that empowers us as a community should carry the flag (or the banner if you will) and take it upon themselves to carry the burden of all of the people who are currently in the struggle and offer a way to sustain the American way of life!

Follow me on twitter!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

What I'm about is...

Hello Everyone and thanks for visiting my blog...

It is my sincerest desire the this message finds you in good health and peace of mind. I am very excited to be in on the ground floor of this launch and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what this means. How would you like to have been in IBM's boardroom back in 1981 when Bill Gates introduced the concept of Windows? Would you have walked out?

Well that is how I feel with most valid opportunities when it comes down to internet marketing. Think about it. People today are losing their jobs at an alarming rate, and most of them are gonna have two choices.

1. Let's go rob a gas station because little Billy is hungry. (This decision is only profitable for those who have invested stock in our nation's penal system because that's exactly where those that choose option #1 is going to end up!)

or they will choose option #2

2. I need a way to sustain my way of life and better yet won't have to ever deal with the stress that the economy has caused me ever again!

You see, that's where we come in...

We are on the ground level of something huge and with 7 million Americans out of a job, that market is going to look for something.

I believe that if you give little Billy a fish, sure he'll eat today. But what about tomorrow, and the next day? I'm in the business of teaching Billy how to fish so he'll never go hungry for the rest of his life!

1.I use MLMLeadSystemPro as the backbone to my infrastructure (my sales funnel).

2. I've set up affiliate programs to run through MLSP (MagneticSponsoring, Aweber, ViralUrl, etc.)

3. I try to find as many different Marketing ideas as I can. FriendBlaster, classifieds, etc.

4. I post the message of help, through to my blogs (I have two sites)

Now I call my company Network Marketing Resources and I'm no guru, I just learned to follow the people who have already attained a certain level of success and then I do what they do. (You'd be surprised how many years it took for me to learn that!)

Separately, although it's not my lifestyle I host an adult website (extremely lucrative...). Now I know what you're thinking... "What the hell is he doing?"

Well I'll tell you...

Imagine taking the world's oldest and most profitable industry and combining it into an automated system that can and will appeal to the masses.

And finally for my last mlm, I believe that because times are so hard, it is essential that everyone takes advantage of every opportunity that they can so I am involved with a program that allows me to get discounts on everything I purchase almost anywhere in the country, and I must admit that if I didn't go through my period of financial troubles (divorce, child-support, etc...) I never would've even considered it. The icing on the cake is that they actually pay me for it! Can you believe that?

And all of this really started believe it or not from the success of sites I've used and that others can implement for themselves using the same system I used..

I look forward to working with you as we forge together towards the pre-launch of the MLM Masters Safelist. I am positive that MMAC will help to explode my business.

I feel that as long as I keep my intentions of wanting to change people's lives one person at a time, I will be successful because people are looking for answers not products.

I'm sorry that I got to be so long winded (5 cups of Folgers will do that to you...), but I felt it necessary to form a business bond with you to let you know that when I say, that I'm on board... I say that knowing that 97% of the people in our industry fail due to the fact that they either don't take it seriously enough or they try hard selling a product when the issue is that they have to put the effort into selling themselves.

DeWayne Wheeler

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I'm In The Business Of Helping Others To Succeed! I do this by combining years of experience through the same failed techniques that 97% of the Network Marketing Industry have undergone. Our staff of professionals have put into place a turnkey system that the upper 3% of those in the industry that have become successful actually use. I have spent years going through some of the same failed trial and error attempts as many of you have, and with the same end result... No money to show for it. I intend to show you by example my totally risk free system for those that want to know, and don't worry there are no sales pitches. Instead of paying for your leads, how would you like for your leads to be knocking down your door to pay you? I'll show you how.

My purpose in life is to serve others, to inspire and lift those around me to achieve their true potential. My success in life comes from the work that I do for the benefit and growth of others.

I intend to bring hope, clarity and a game plan to all those talented entrepreneurs who may be discouraged to reach their dream.

I believe that life is meant to be abundant, and I believe that through collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and resources we can manifest what our heart desires.

I invite you to stick around, add me as a friend at: or facebook or follow me on

and let's find out how we can work together to achieve our goals and dreams.

However you got here. YOU are HERE for a REASON! ..

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

God speed Mr. President, God speed!

Thank you Mr. President

Although I disagreed with many of his policies (Guantanamo, wire tapping, Iraq, etc.) just to name a few. As a proud and distinguished disabled veteran of the Persian Gulf war in 1992, I am unable to answer the question what my decisions would have been after 911. He was our Commander-in Chief and I've always supported him for the good of our wonderful country if for no other reason than to show solidarity to the rest of the world!

God speed Mr. President!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Time to make the doughnuts!

Here's some inspiration for you to pull yourself out the rat race when things get bleak.



I hope that everyone likes the video I've posted. It's just to show people that even though times are hard, laughter is always the best medicine!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

e-zines are a good source for ads...

Do you find the idea of doing business online

Most people do, and that's understandable.

Today I want to clear up that confusion and help you
see the big picture.

If you were taking a trip you would want a reliable map
by your side. I hope you will think of this ezine, and
today's article, as your roadmap along the way to

Thanks again,

Charlie Page


It's our TENTH year online and we are celebrating by
making the DOE even *better* than before.

A new look

New programming

And very soon ... NEW BONUSES too!

* * * Just added! * * *

Almost three HOURS of real world how-to-do-it training
on ezines!

Lifetime members can access this bonus TODAY!

Our old bonuses (including the AD WRITING bonus) will
be REMOVED soon to make way for new bonuses.


Please consider becoming a member today!

Seeing the Big Picture of Online Marketing
(c) Charlie Page

Do you find the idea of doing business online

Most people do, and that's understandable.

The fact is, nothing in our "offline" life prepares us
to do business online.

Offline we are used to seeing customers or talking with
them by phone.

Online we don't do that.

Offline we cannot automate a sales process so that
selling messages go out week after week with no effort

You can do that online (I'll show you how)

And offline we don't have confusing terms like "solo
ad" or "autoresponder" or "ad tracker" to deal with.

Online there seems to be a whole new vocabulary to
learn, and new skills to learn too.

But there is GOOD NEWS today!

You can make sense of doing business online and end the
confusion if you can catch a glimpse of one thing.

If you can see this one thing you will quickly become
well prepared to succeed online.

If you lose sight of this one thing you will spin into
a cycle of confusion and disappointment.

What is the one thing?

* * * It's the BIG picture! * * *

My goal today is to OVERVIEW what you need without
going into very much depth about any one topic. You
just need to get these things into your vocabulary.

We will go deep on each of these topics over the coming
weeks in this very ezine.

I like things simple so I've listed the five things you
need to succeed online.

Just the basics. But the basics, done well, will take
you higher than you ever dreamed imaginable. They have
for me.

I call these the ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS to success.


This is called a "market". A market is really just a
group of people who have something in common.

* Maybe they like to play golf
* Maybe they like to cook
* Maybe they like to make money or save money
* Maybe they want to start an online business

It doesn't matter what they want. But what DOES matter
is this.

1. Is the group large?
2. Will the group spend money?

There ARE ways to quickly and easily identify markets
that will be profitable for you, and I will share those
in this ezine.


Once you find the group you need to find (or create) a
product they will buy.

It's actually easier than you might think. The key is
to discover what they are buying now. If they are
buying now they will buy what you offer.

A great way to find out what people want to buy is to
ask. I'll show you how to do that.


Ah, advertising. It really is what makes the Internet
go round. If you don't believe me just ask Google. They
don't sell all that ad space for nothing ... they do it
for the money!

You will HAVE to advertise to succeed online. Happily,
you will not have to go broke doing it.

The three best ways to get started advertising online
are these.

1. Article marketing
2. Pay per click advertising
3. Ezine advertising

There are many more methods available to you but if you
faithfully use those three you will be happily
surprised how well they work.

I will teach you how to do all three of those, and


Do you need a website of your own? Yes you do.

But the good news is that creating a website is not the
headache it used to be.

Using online services, templates and simple software
you can create a beautiful and effective website
quickly. I'll show you how.

HINT: Start gathering what you want to say on your site
NOW and not later. Far too many have created a website
and then struggled to put words on that site.


The wonderful thing about the Internet is that you can
leverage your time like nobody's business.

Online you can literally do work one time - like
writing this article - and have that work pay dividends
for years to come.

Years? Yes! I've been doing this 10 years now and some
of my articles have been online almost all of that

So there you have it ... five things you must do and
know about in order to succeed online.

If you sell as an affiliate or part of a program you
will need to focus primarily on the advertising part,
but eventually you will need them all.

I hope this clears up some confusion for you and look
forward to sharing with you from my experience the
specific ways you can use these essential elements to
your advantage.

working out the kinks!

I've forgotten how fun this all was to sit back and handle such things as getting my back office ready for explosion. Listen guys, I know that I've been too busy to contribute anything worthwhile to this blog but I will tell you one thing... As the days go by, you will get to know me quite well. I promise.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I have finally gotten out of bed and my daughters are asking me to make pancakes! so I've got to go now to do the daddy thing! Isn't life grand?

My name is_____

I am listening to Perry Belcher, who is an expert at using social media and I must say that he is soooooo awesome! For those of you who are new to my page, don't even trip...

I'm new to this page to and hopefully together we can utilize each others resources, because I will never get so big that I can't take any advice from anyone. But mainly the purpose of this blog is to have fun and document my day, and hopefully we can all share a laugh! :-)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Google for dummies!

And finally I have included a banner to help you better understand Google Adwords, I mean I've literally gone out of my way to include everything on my page to better help you promote your business!

Are you serious about your business?

I've also taken the liberty to providing some more valuable content to help put things more into perspective. The Black Belt Banner on the right was really instrumental in helping me to get started. The 60 minute video is simply awesome!

It can get expensive!

Hey, there it is. And for all of you out there who are struggling with how to draw traffic to your web business, I've included a link for you to do so even while on a budget!
I am really hoping that the ads that I am trying to run actually show up on this blog so that I can get down to business!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Network Marketing Resources for dummies

This is the first day of my official blog and I'm very excited at the possibilities of which I will show you how to make tremendous cashflow using the power of the internet.