Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Remember The People Following You!

Hello, DeWayne here and I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge the fact that BetterNetworking is indeed a marvelous tool to expose and elevate your business. But people, let's keep it real! There are so many of you on this site whose sole intended purpose is to cheapen it... er allow me to re-phrase that. Their sole-intended purpose is to get rich, but consider this, there are many people with the same agenda who don't feel as though they have to cheapen it by bombarding the community with sales pitches. Listen to me very closely: No one wants to be sold anything! Got it?! I realize that times may be hard and some of you feel as though desperate times call for desperate measures, but when you do this you cheapen the hard work that others have done to get to where they are, including the founders of this wonderful site!

There was a special on Foxnews and MSNBC, on how there were people on facebook who were breaking their codes to gain valuable profile information for the sole intended purpose of running scams.


As if it wasn't difficult enough to sift our way through streams of competitors trying to do the same thing, it is totally irreprehensible to think that the few bad apples(who by the way I'm quite sure is no one in this community)could really mess things up for everybody! And this is what I mean by messing it up for everybody...

You know the good people at facebook are going to eventually make it tougher for us network marketers to advertise and are probably going to make tougher provisions.

That's where I believe that we will clearly have an advantage. You see the whole concept of selling something is dead, because people hate to be sold. Facebook is considered to be a social media network, so that should play to our strengths. When people get to know me, there are no concerns of whether or not I'm going to get any leads. In fact I don't worry about that stuff because they will come. Iron polishes iron and together with forums such as these that raises awareness, we have an opportunity to continue to grow while our competition is in front of their computer monitor lemonade stands.

Tell me what you think! :roll: ;)

Monday, February 9, 2009

The state of our economy!

I am listening to President Barack Obama, and whether you are a conservative or a liberal, one thing is definitely for certain.... We as a country are in a great deal of trouble. Right now I am probably going to lose a few subscribers for what I'm about to say... People in this country are spoiled. You see, I didn't grow up as many of y'all. If I woke up early enough in the morning, I got to see my mama go to work. And If I stayed up late enough at night, I got to see her come home because I grew up like many Americans with no male presence in the household! Now strictly speaking as one who has dutifully served his country (I'm a disabled veteran of the Persian Gulf War- throwned from a Hum-vee in Saudi Arabia in 1991), I can certainly ascertain the fact that the onus is on all of us to be accountable for our own actions. The fact that the housing market (and I'm just naming one aspect of the collateral damage due to the decisions that we as Americans are resposible for!) is an example of what went wrong with our economy should stipulate the importance of sound fundamental decisions. As the President has so dutifully mentioned in his address to the country, it is the decisions of many Americans to live beyond their means that has degredated our way of life (actually he didn't say that, that was just something I added). And that's just one example as to why we're in dire straits. Seven million Americans have lost their jobs and their homes and they're looking for a way to escape the fiscal turmoil. Ladies and gentlemen, I want for you to ask yourselves, are you in the right industry? Network Marketing is now more prevalent than ever and we are on the forefront of not only cutting-edge technology, but we have an opportunity to re-shapen our economy, not only as a nation but globally! You see, more and more Americans are now going to be forced to prescribe to the idea of Network Marketing because they realize that being dependent upon a flawed system that told you that all you have to do is follow in your daddy's footsteps and work at the mill and earn a decent living following in his footsteps will be enough for you to sustain the needs of your family! I'm asking each and everyone of you to not contaminate the ideas that has already been set in place. Now is our time! Not only do we have the advantage of people such as Mike Dillard and Rod Nichols, but if we play it the right way we can use our present circumstances to elevate our cause! Our cause is just. We offer an opportunity to the average American to join our fight and help those that are willing to help others! That does NOT entail bombarding everyone we may encounter with our business proposals! Don't do it! Your country is counting on you! If we are to help our country, we should then establish a new job market and take it global! Our primary objective should be to strengthen the global economy with the opportunity we present. Social media and every other media that empowers us as a community should carry the flag (or the banner if you will) and take it upon themselves to carry the burden of all of the people who are currently in the struggle and offer a way to sustain the American way of life!

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